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We are committed to making disciples beyond the walls of SCC. Outreach starts with responding to Jesus’ call to love God deeply and love people genuinely. We have so many ways for you to do just that, both to our local community and abroad. How can you get involved?

Community Outreach

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” – Matthew 2:37-39

God has placed us in this community for a reason. The goal of Community Outreach is to touch the lives of our neighbors. The word neighbor literally means “near ones,” which can include our friends, coworkers, and anyone else that God has placed in close proximity to us.

To learn more about Community Outreach opportunities, contact the community outreach team.

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Global Outreach

God has called us to go into the world and make disciples. Through our missionary family, we seek to share the good news of salvation through Christ. SCC currently supports 16 missionaries in 10 different countries.

To get involved and support missions at SCC, please email us at

Global Outreach Guide

Short-Term Missions

Each year, SCC has several opportunities for individuals and families to go on short-term mission trips. Trips include exposure trips for first time travelers, construction projects, prayer walking in third-world cities, evangelistic English Language Camps, delivering Bibles to unreached villages, and many more as God reveals needs for His people to fill. A short-term mission trip can be a life-changing experience.

Contact UsInterest FormShort-term team application

GO Fund

Global Missions endeavors at SCC are funded through the generous, sacrificial, and over-and-above normal giving of our church family.

Our Global Outreach (GO) Fund is used specifically for the purpose of seeing God’s people go and make a difference in His name throughout the world. To give to the GO Fund directly, head over to our giving page and designate the GO Fund when you submit your gift.

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