A church is more than just a building you visit for an hour each Sunday. The church is the family of God, and we’re committed to devoting ourselves to one another as we serve and love each other.
“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” – 1 Corinthians 12:27
As the body of Christ, we are called to use our time, talents, and abilities to support each other both during and outside of Sunday morning. Here are 6 practical ways that you can serve at Southwest Christian Church!
1. The Care Team
The care team is all about “loving on” our church family and the local community. This could involve helping those who need a ride to church, those in need of food or clothing, or individuals or families going through loss. Whatever need comes their way, this team strives to love our neighbors and live out God’s love for them.
2. Community Outreach
This team focuses on specific needs and opportunities within the community where God has placed us. This may involve ministry to the homeless, to the local school, or to the housing developments around us.
3. Hospitality
Sunday morning can be intimidating, especially if someone hasn’t been to church in a while. The hospitality team provides an informative, inviting, and welcoming environment for services and helps people get connected at events that encourage meaningful community and worship.
4. Prayer
The Prayer team does the hard work of lifting up the church community in prayer. There are opportunities to pray before the service, as well as during and after services. Our prayer warriors are critical to the Lord’s work at SCC!
5. Ushers
Each week, our faithful usher teams help services run smoothly. The usher team welcomes God’s people into the worship center by making a personal connection with them, seating them, serving communion, and collecting the offering at our weekend services.
6. Worship
The Southwest Worship team uses their gifting to lead our community to worship Jesus in our weekend services, our prayer times, and also during mid-week activities. We’re so grateful for the amazing music they provide to help us glorify God through song!
These are just a few ways that you can serve our church family at Southwest Christian Church. For more ways to bless our church body, visit our Serve page and check out our variety of ministry opportunities!